【2024欧洲杯买球平台】 Transform and use research results to promote the solution of development problems

时间:2023-07-14Source: Anhui Satellite TV

  Press: On July 13, Anhui Satellite TV news broadcast reported the company's theme education development, details are as follows。

  Anhui Cultural Investment and Operation Co., Ltd. closely follows the requirements of high-quality development of cultural industry,It focuses on the establishment of provincial cultural and creative fund, the integration and development of cultural and tourism technology, and the construction of digital cultural and tourism platform,Identify 20 research topics,Formed 20 research reports,And put forward 42 work measures,Up to now,The company intends to set up a cultural and creative sub-fund with a total size of more than 10 billion yuan。


  In the process of thematic education, we study hard, conduct solid research, and actively lead the development direction of the cultural industry through investment and financing, capital operation, etc., and constantly cultivate new forms of cultural business, constantly promote the structural adjustment, optimization and upgrading of the cultural industry, and enhance the comprehensive strength and competitiveness of the cultural industry。

Video report links:http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/n5C0U9I3o_y5BpXulWad4Q